Wiki articles

Showing 461-480 of 823 items.

Displaying, sorting and filtering HasMany & ManyMany relations in CGridView

Created 12 years ago by yJeroen, updated 12 years ago by yJeroen.

This tutorial gives you multiple options of how to fully implement showing, sorting and filtering related data in gridviews.


17 0
Viewed: 75 040 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Creating and updating model and its related models in one form, inc. image

Created 12 years ago by Boaz, updated 12 years ago by Boaz.

We start slowly and simple...

6 1
Viewed: 176 590 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Setting up PHPUnit and Selenium with IntelliJ IDEA/PhpStorm

Created 12 years ago by rAWTAZ, updated 12 years ago by rAWTAZ.

This article intends to summarize the steps taken to set up PHPUnit and Selenium for a Yii project, with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate (the IDE). It was done on Mac OS X 10.6.

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Viewed: 51 561 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Integrating Wordpress and Yii,Working Out The Details.

Created 12 years ago by drumaddict, updated 11 years ago by drumaddict.

First things first,follow the instructions in fr0d0z's article to set up WordPress.Regarding the WpController,I did not use an index view.So the code for WpController is

class WpController extends Controller
    public function init()
	 // note that we disable the layout
        $this->layout = false;

7 0
Viewed: 34 086 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Tags: wordpress

CGridView, CListView and CActiveDataProvider

Created 12 years ago by softark, updated 11 years ago by softark.

CGridView (or CListView) together with CActiveDataProvider is a very powerful combination of the built-in tools of Yii. But how do they work together to accomplish their fantastic functions? And what are you expected to do to use them and to customize their behaviors? This article explains the very basics of them.

26 0
Viewed: 144 059 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Facebook DeAuthorize callback URL and its response data.

Created 12 years ago by sirin k, updated 7 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

Facebook Deauthorize callback is used to getting notification to the app owner when a user uninstall our app from their fan page or profile.

3 0
Viewed: 25 075 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: facebook

An important tip when you are using CArrayDataProvider.

Created 12 years ago by sirin k, updated 7 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

Yii's CArrayDataProvider is very helpful to display model relation data's directly on it.But it is truely a confusing one because by default it will assume a table field named “id” as primary key for its pagination purpose and what if you dont have field named “id” as primary key on your table? so its truely confusing and if you tried to display without an “id” field on ur table you will get an...

5 1
Viewed: 20 082 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Solution for session lose of Facebook iframe application in Internet Explorer .

Created 12 years ago by sirin k, updated 7 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

Facebook iframe app’s session is losing in Internet Explorer when doing a second redirection inside the facebook iframe app.The main reason is ,by default IE wont allow cookies in its priavacy settings If cookies not available means session is also not available for our Facebook iframe app in IE.

2 0
Viewed: 14 746 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Get notified about the status of a Facebook user in your web app using periodic Ajax calls.

Created 12 years ago by sirin k, updated 7 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.


 This article is helpful only if you have the following situation:
 A web app which uses facebook login to login its users and if a user is logged out from his/her facebook account through another browser tab, then your app dont know that he is logged out  out or not from his facebook account and he/she will remain as logged in your web application.Its ok if you have no problem wi...
4 0
Viewed: 16 098 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips
Tags: facebook, user

YouTube API v2.0 – Browser-based Uploading

Created 12 years ago by Vaibhav, updated 12 years ago by Vaibhav.

Through the YouTube API you can upload files directly to the Youtube server. Youtube currently offers two services 1. Direct Link 2. Browser Based Uploading. In this wiki I will demonstrate how you can quickly set Browser Based Uploading for your Yii application. This is the protocol request that takes place.

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Viewed: 24 471 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

YiiBoilerplate - Setup a professional project structure in seconds

Created 12 years ago by Antonio Ramirez, updated 11 years ago by Antonio Ramirez.

Even though it looks complicated at the beginning, you will find that it is not that hard as it seems once you understand its structure. Yii's project structure wiki obviously inspired a lot of this setup, and you will find that some of the paragraphs here are taken from their wiki.

39 0
Viewed: 113 434 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Others

Create Yii Project In Cloud9

Created 12 years ago by Ben, updated 12 years ago by Ben.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a yii application using Cloud9. We will use a git workspace to enable version control and also show how to link the Cloud9 workspace to GitHub.

2 0
Viewed: 38 673 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

CButtonColumn: Use special variable $data for the 'id' in the 'options' of a button

Created 12 years ago by bluezed, updated 12 years ago by bluezed.

Inspired by it I extended the CButtonColumn class like this:

5 0
Viewed: 43 808 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials

Entire Messages into javascript object

Created 12 years ago by markux, updated 12 years ago by markux.

I needed all messages with their translation into javascript. This is my solution:

1 0
Viewed: 10 830 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos

Custom Archive in Blog system

Created 12 years ago by nirmalroka, updated 12 years ago by nirmalroka.

Hi I had made simple archive system for blog system that can handle tbl_post. I had used simple CDbCriteria not more than that. I know there is more and many better way to this but I think this will give some idea to users to generate new idea or customized or modified this version of code.

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Viewed: 10 502 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

The MrFisk IRC Bot

Created 12 years ago by rAWTAZ, updated 10 years ago by rAWTAZ.

MrFisk is a sleek little bot hanging out in the official #yii IRC channel on freenode, meant to serve Yii users with documentation lookups and other things. This document intends to provide a summary of what MrFisk can do for you and how to use his fin^H^Heatures.

6 0
Viewed: 36 694 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Others
Tags: bot, IRC, MrFisk, YiiBot

Create image thumbnails with php_img_preview

Created 12 years ago by Anas AbuDayah, updated 10 years ago by Anas AbuDayah.

This is another way to view images in your application and I like this way because it's simple and I think it's better performance than other.

4 0
Viewed: 24 264 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Tags: images, views

Customize CGridView columns directly in your view

Created 12 years ago by clapas, updated 12 years ago by clapas.

You usually take a model instance passed into your view to provide data to a CGridView in this way:

2 1
Viewed: 39 450 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

Using sub query for doubletts

Created 12 years ago by mb, updated 11 years ago by mb.

find doubletts by db fields. in this example i will check doublets for 3 tabelfields (col1,col2,col3). so i will get a subquery with the condition, select and grouping of the tablefields. the having with COUNT() > 1 means: find all records more then one result.

$model=new MyModel('search');

3 0
Viewed: 25 388 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tips

How to use Multiple instances of the same model in the same form

Created 12 years ago by kiran sharma, updated 12 years ago by Maurizio Domba Cerin.

When i had created this functionality then i found some difficulties and not got much idea from wiki and forums. so, i think this will be useful for newbie users and save time of other developers when create related functionality. I refer Collecting Tabular Input tutorial but not got clear idea for create/update...