yii-1.1.8.r3324 framework directory is 10.4 mb size.
yii-1.1.8.r3324 framework directory is 10.4 mb size.
.When you develop a widget, you could need one image that is in the assets folder, you can use it simply within a css. You can load a css or javascript script doing this:
I have had to do this a couple of times now so I figured I would share it with the community. I am going to keep this short because I really hope that you are familiar with jQueryUI's Sortable class before starting this tutorial.
Sometimes you need to force a user to change their password after x number of days. This article describes how to implement this using a filter, ChangePasswordFilter.
require_once($yii); Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run();
The config first required In CApplication constructor
First param in CActiveDataProvider could be a string with model name or instance of class. So, you may use CActiveRecord::cache() for cache, but you need set third param to 2, because you should cache 2 queries: counting and get data.
Using filters on CGridView with CActiveDataProvider is easy, but with CArrayDataProvider it is a bit tricky.
The only thing required is simple, we just need to create a view that will be partially rendered by a call to a controller (using renderPartial) and make sure that we process output -setting to true the parameter on the function. Everything will work as expected but...
CFormatter is one of Yii's core components and used to format values displayed in widgets like CGridView or CDetailView. All classic formats like numbers, text, urls or datetime are supported but you may have to use a formatting rule that isn't built in. Let's say we want to display arrays of strings (like tags associated with a product model)...
This is what I did. Its the EASIEST solution that I know of. I just reused the advanced search done in CGridView.
in Yii versions previous to 1.1.9 exceptions was handled differently during ajax request and displayed by CApplication::displayException(). This way the exception message displayed on ajax requests could not be customized.
The message for the CGridView delete request with YII_DEBUG set to true l...
Virtually all Yii applications are built on top of a database, and though Yii is very flexible in how it addresses your DB, some design choices make things more convenient than others.
Whatever reason, it turns out to be easy enough to add that feature to your application. :)
in model add the following code:
If in your application you have to proceed to a complex SQL query that is not associated to a model, you will use CDbDataReader like it is described in the Yii documentation. An example could be
上一篇 关于 Yii CHttpSession性能优化篇之源码流程分析 有详细分析CHttpSession执行流程,在了解CHttpSession的详细执行流程之后,我们就可以非常轻松的扩展Yii Session,来优化和符合自己的业务流程。