Inspired by it I extended the CButtonColumn class like this:
Inspired by it I extended the CButtonColumn class like this:
I needed all messages with their translation into javascript. This is my solution:
Hi I had made simple archive system for blog system that can handle tbl_post. I had used simple CDbCriteria not more than that. I know there is more and many better way to this but I think this will give some idea to users to generate new idea or customized or modified this version of code.
MrFisk is a sleek little bot hanging out in the official #yii IRC channel on freenode, meant to serve Yii users with documentation lookups and other things. This document intends to provide a summary of what MrFisk can do for you and how to use his fin^H^Heatures.
This is another way to view images in your application and I like this way because it's simple and I think it's better performance than other.
You usually take a model instance passed into your view to provide data to a CGridView in this way:
find doubletts by db fields. in this example i will check doublets for 3 tabelfields (col1,col2,col3). so i will get a subquery with the condition, select and grouping of the tablefields. the having with COUNT() > 1 means: find all records more then one result.
$model=new MyModel('search');
When i had created this functionality then i found some difficulties and not got much idea from wiki and forums. so, i think this will be useful for newbie users and save time of other developers when create related functionality. I refer Collecting Tabular Input tutorial but not got clear idea for create/update...
Usually when we use AutoComplete in a project, We need to show "title" or "name" in the list, while when the form is posted, we need some sort of integer ID referring to the selected value. Out of the Box, CJuiAutoComplete widget doesn't provides different display text and post values.
By default, the decimal separator in php (also in mysql) is a dot (.). So when we work with floats in Yii (in calculations, validation, sql statements etc.), the decimal separator has to be a dot. If we want to use for example a comma (,) as the decimal separator, that is if we want to display numbers and enable users to enter numbers with a comma before the decimals, we have to...
If you are hosting Yii behind a reverse proxy, for example nginx, and you are having issues with your logs showing the proxies IP, or the urls being created arn't being created for SSL because your SSL certs are located on your reverse proxy instead of the Yii server, this code may be able to help you. I placed them in the very top of Yii's entry script, index.php
Sometimes you have CJuiDialog with different content but same buttons (or width, height). If you don't want to repeat yourself this is a great solution:
Sometimes you want to render a view in Fancybox.
In this WIKI you can learn how to create front and admin login form, using database.
This is a tutorial for how to auto set model values without any code.
In SQL, wildcard characters can be used in "LIKE" expressions; the percent sign (%) matches zero or more characters, and underscore (_) a single character. Sometimes users are not familiar with these or they are using different ones like (*) and (+) similar to regular expressions. My colleages do so and then i decided to add this feature by extending CbCriteria. Especially adding a new parameter $...
This is a tutorial for how to add input text-Field, check-box, buttons in CGridView.
To start with you need to download the latest stable release of CKeditor. Extract the downloaded file and place the ckeditor/ folder in your applications webroot directory. (beside "protected" and "css" and other directories)
This is a tutorial to work with radioButtonList which will handle enum datatype. Form design and validation both are detailed here.
I did not invent this instructions, I read it somewhere and re-organized in my way as I was trying and it works for me;