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How to install Yii 2 advanced on a shared hosting environment


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How to install Yii 2 advanced on a shared hosting environment

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advanced,yii 2 advanced, advanced, shared hosting

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I've read many comments that it's not possible to install Yii 2 advanced on a shared hosting environment, as it has two webroots. This is partially true. In this tutorial I'm going to demonstrate how to install Yii 2 advanced on GODADDY shared hosting. Why GODADDY? **In GODADDY it's possible to set the document root of the subdomains and addon domains aboveout of the public_html folder.** (In other hostings this trick might not work. For example, in Resellerclub hosting I tried to set the document root above the **public_html** folder but I didn't succeed). My main website is in Yii 1, which is hosted on Godaddy shared hosting. I've also installed Yii 2 advanced website on subdmain. Look: - Main domain (Yii 1): [http://oligalma.com](http://oligalma.com "") - Yii 2 frontend: [http://yii2advanced.oligalma.com](http://yii2advanced.oligalma.com "") 
- Yii 2 backend: [http://admin.yii2advanc
Subdomain (Yii 2): [http://edu.oligalma.com](http://admin.yii2advancedu.oligalma.com "") Take note that, in this example, I installed Yii 2 advanced frontend on a subdomain (in order not to buy a new domain). But you can install Yii 2 advanced on a domain as well. How to achieve this? Well, we just need to create a folder on the **/home/myself** directory called, for example, **sites** (or whatever). Then we upload the Yii 2 advanced files on **/home/myself/sites/yii2advanced** (you can give the directory any name you want). Then, using the Godaddy cPanel, we create 2 subdomains: - yii2advanced.oligalmawebsite.com ---> /home/myself/sites/yii2advanced/frontend/web - admin.yii2advanced.oligalmawebsite.com ---> /home/myself/sites/yii2advanced/backend/web

├── myself

Finally, you may need to ad
just thed an A records of your main domain.

And that's all!!

(You can create the **sites** folder if you plan to put several domains/subdomains there. If not, you can just put the yii2advanced folder directly in **/home/myself**)
3 0
Viewed: 36 216 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
Written by: oligalma
Last updated by: oligalma
Created on: Oct 25, 2015
Last updated: 5 years ago
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