Difference between #4 and #5 of
Yii configuration: Dynamic & User dependent

Revision #5 has been created by le_top on Oct 22, 2014, 8:54:23 PM with the memo:

Improvement for default value with template, and abstract class for the property.
« previous (#4)


Title unchanged

Yii configuration: Dynamic & User dependent

Category unchanged


Yii version unchanged

Tags unchanged

config, theme, widget configuration

Content changed

* Provides an instance providing a user property when called.
* @param string $property Same as second parameter in CHtml::value
* @param string $default Default value
, evaluated as PHP code (inside string, so null must be written as "null"). * @param string $template If provided '{val}' in the template is replaced with the User property. * @return mixed_UserProperty Property returned by User model or default if null or empty string.
public static function getProperty($property,$default=null,$template=null) {
Yii::app()->uAppUtils::getRealUser(),'$property')"; if($template!==null) { $val2="strtr('$template',array('{val}'=>$val))if(\"{\$this->val}\"!=='') \$this->val=strtr('$template',array('{val}'=>\$this->val));";
            } else {
"; } $code="class $propertyclass {
                    private \$val;
extends _UserProperty{ privateotected function _val() { if(!isset(\$this->val)) { \$this->val=$val;
$val2 $defaultexpression } return \$this->val; }     public function __toString() {
            //if($property==='propertytocheck') throw new CException($code);
            self::$inst[$propertyclass]=new $propertyclass
; }
        return \$r;
return self::$inst[$propertyclass];
 * Abstract class for User Property.
abstract class _UserProperty {
    protected $val;
    abstract protected function _val();
    public function __toString() {
        return $r;
public function __call(\$name,\$parameters) {                  return call_user_func_array(array(\$this->_val(),\$name),\$parameters);                    }

public function __get(\$name) {                  return \$this->_val()->\$name;                 }
            //print strtr($code,array("\n"=>'<br />'));
            self::$inst[$propertyclass]=new $propertyclass;
        return self::$inst[$propertyclass];
} } ```
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Viewed: 13 062 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Written by: le_top
Last updated by: le_top
Created on: Oct 16, 2014
Last updated: 9 years ago
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