Revision #3 has been created by qiang on Feb 10, 2009, 4:33:19 PM with the memo:
Removed getter and setter for lastLoginTime
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How to add more information to Yii::app()->user
Yii version
By default, the expression Yii::app()->user returns a [CWebUser] [application component]( which
can be used to storrepresents the information that are closely related with the current user
and should. Some information can be persistent throughout the current user session.
For example, [CWebUser] already comes with a [name|CWebUser::name] property that stores the username of the current user.
In order to store more information, we need to modify the [identity|IUserIdentity] class used together with [CWebUser]. Each application may have one or several identity classes which are mainly responsible to provide ways of performing user [authentication]([...]
=', $user->lastLoginTime
return $this->_id;
public function getLastLoginTime()
return $this->getState('```
In the above, during authentication we retrieve the ID and the last
L login
T time
public function setLastLoginTime($value)
return $this->setState('lastLoginTime',$value);
In the above we define a `lastLoginTime` property with getter/setter methods. We also override the information of the authenticated user. We save the ID in a private variable `$_id` and save `lastLoginTime` in a state by calling `
Id()` method to return a private variable. The reason that the `id` property is not defined likeState()`. The reason that we use different approaches to save `id` and `lastLoginTime` is because `id` is a pre-defined property
in [CUserIdentity] andthat is recognized by [CWebUser]. If we
need to addwant to store more information, we should
follow the way of defining `lastLoginTime`.
In the `authenticate()` method, we retrieve the user record according to the provided username. We populate thuse `setState()`, like we do with `lastLoginTime`.
We also override the `getId()` method to return the private variable `
and `lastLoginTime` properties if we find such a user record whose password matches the provided password (meaning successful authentication). The parent implementation is to return the username.
That's all we need. Now if we want to retrieve the `id` or `lastLoginTime` information in our code, we can do the following:[...]
starting from 1.0.3 you canIf you are using version 1.0.2 or earlier, you should use the following:
// $lastLoginTime=Yii::app()->user->
> Note: When cookie-based authentication is enabled (by setting [CWebUser::allowAutoLogin] to be true), these persistent information will be stored in cookie. Therefore, you should NOT store sensitive information (e.g. password) like we do in the above.