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Clean JavaScript code in your views


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Clean JavaScript code in your views

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js,javascript, registerScript, CClientCClientScript,registerScript, js

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# jQuery plugin template

This template for building JavaScript plugins is proposed by jQuery:

(function( yourPluginName, $, undefined ) {
// public method
}( window.yourPluginName = window.yourPluginName || {}, jQuery ));

This defines a function that is immediately called and passed two arguments:
Now you can place your bulky JS code from your views inside this plugin and use them as:

```javascript] yourPluginName.someCallback(); ~~~``` Put that template in a .js file, for example _protected/components/assets/yourPluginName.js_. Then register it in your action or view:

$path = Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.components.assets'));
Also, since there actually is a limited scope, strict mode can be enabled:

```javascript] (function( yourPluginName, $, undefined ) { "use strict"; // ... more code }( window.yourPluginName = window.yourPluginName || {}, jQuery )); ~~~```

This helps to detect browser-specific issues early in the development that is done using the developer's favourite browser, not the ones that clients are using.
They can be stored inside the plugin by adding a private variable and an init() function:

(function( yourPluginName, $, undefined ) {
// guard to detect browser-specific issues early in development
}( window.yourPluginName = window.yourPluginName || {}, jQuery ));
~~~``` Now after registering the script file add a call to the init() function on document load:

$options = CJavaScript::encode(array(
'someUrl' => $this->createUrl('someUrl'),
'someLabel' => Yii::t('app', 'someLabel'),
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript(__CLASS__.'#yourPluginName', "yourPluginName.init($options);", CClientScript::POS_READY);
18 0
Viewed: 41 351 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Written by: nineinchnick
Last updated by: samdark
Created on: Aug 30, 2013
Last updated: 6 years ago
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