#### updated version of this article which works with **CKEditor 3.x** [here](http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/352/how-to-setup-ckeditor/ "here")
To start with you need to download the latest stable release of [FCKeditor](http://www.fckeditor.net/download "Download").
Extract the downloaded file and place the <i>fckeditor/</i> folder in your applications webroot directory.
# Realtive Path to the Editor (from Web-Root) "toolbarSet"=>"Basic", #EXISTING(!) Toolbar (see: fckeditor.js)
[updated version of this article works with CKeditor 3.x](http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/352/how-to-setup-ckeditor/ "updated version of this article works with CKeditor 3.x")