The MrFisk IRC Bot
Yii version
MrFisk, YiiBot, IRC, bot
MrFisk is a sleek little [bot]( hanging out in the official [#yii IRC channel]( on [freenode](, meant to serve Yii users with documentation lookups and other things. This document intends to provide a summary of what MrFisk can do for you and how to use his fin^H^Heatures.
*Please note: MrFisk is currently (2012-08-24) in a non-finished but working state. He's been put online and joined #yii earlier than what was originally intented, simply due to the original YiiBot having been absent for a over a week. We needed a bot in the channel, and this one was close to ready. What is missing is primarily fuzzy matching of !{doc,api} queries, editing of factoids and some other new features currently not present in any of the bots.
This is planned to be addressed in the upcoming weeks.*
The `!faq <
keywordquery>` command
This command returns the factoid for the given
keywordquery. It's simply a quick way to make the bot spell out things we repeat often, and what not. *Note: Currently the factoid database is static, based on what could be found in YiiBot's online list.
It's going to be editable in the channel soon.*
A list of the current faqs/factoids can be found [here](
The `!php <
keywordquery>` command
All this command does is return an URL to's manual search result for the given
The `!lmgtfy <query>` command
All this command does is return an URL to a search for the given query at
The `!google <query>` command
All this command does is return the results from Googling the given query.
*Note: This command does not work with the addressing and inline commands feature (see below). The reason for this is that the Google functionality is provided by another plugin than MrFisk.*[...]
Multiple query words (quoting)
It's possible to supply more than one word in the query to most of the commands, by simply wrapping/delimiting the query in/with single or double quotes. For example `!php 'pattern matching'` and `!php "pattern matching"` would return the PHP manual URL for the search term "pattern matching".
To include a quote in the actual query without having it be used as a delimiter, there are two options; Either simply use the other type of quotes to delimit the query, or escape the quote with a backslash. For example, to provide a LMGTFY URL for a common phrase and retain its quoting, one could do `!lmgtfy '"date.timezone"'` or `!lmgtfy '\'date.timezone\''` - both works.
Within quoted queries, beginning and ending whitespace is removed. Please also note that unbalanced quotes will not match, they have to be a pair and of the same type (i.e. a mix of ' and " won't work). If the query isn't correctly quoted, it will be parsed as a one-word query.
Inline commands
Added support for multi-word queries in the `!faq`, `!php`, `!lmgtfy`, `!doc` and `!api` commands, both inline and not inline.
Added the `!lmgtfy` command.
Made nick addressing not trigger on `nick,` as it was often conflicting with messages like "btw, check out !faq foo".
Changed !api command to return an URL to the online API reference instead of to the source code for the result.