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How to use markItUp! on a text field for full WYSIWYG editing
Yii version
wysiwyg, Authentication, markdown
This is done using a wrapper for the very excellent [markItUp! jQuery widget](
I assume you have installed the [Pogostick Yii Extension Library]( If you haven't please do so before you run the code below. It won't work otherwise.
# Configuration
There is no configuration necessary after you have installed the psYiiExtensions library and set your path alias in your main.php configuration file.
# Step 1: Create a TEXTAREA #
You must create a TEXTAREA somewhere in your HTML to use the markItUp! widget. Give your TEXTAREA a unique id:
<textarea id='myTextArea' class='html' rows='10' cols='50'></textarea>
# Step 2: Create your widget
Now that your form contains a TEXTAREA with a unique id ('myTextArea'), we can create our widget. This can be placed anywhere within your view, but put it at the top somewhere for easy maintenance.[...]
# Step 3: Enjoy!
That's all there is to it! When you refresh your page, you should see a full WYSIWYG text editor where your TEXTAREA was!
# Options
Aside from the 'id' and 'name' parameters (which are in the core CWidget class, there are a four additional options for this widget.
# skinToUse
The skin to use for displaying the markItUp editor. You can download skins from the [markItUp web site]( I have included the <b>markItUp</b> and <b>simple</b> skins with the default installation. Just place your downloaded skins in the /external/jquery-plugins/markitup/skins directory under where you installed the psYiiExtensions.
# multiUseClass
If this option is set with a valid CSS class name, <b>all</b> TEXTAREAs on your page that have this CSS class applied to them will be converted into markItUp areas. Pretty neat eh?
# settingsToUse
The NAME of the JSON settings array included with the "set". Defaults to 'mySettings'. markItUp is quite configurable and can be used to edit a variety of markup languages. To tell it how to parse and display, a <b>settings</b> file is used. In this file is a JSON array (which is named) of configuration options. The default name for the array variable is 'mySettings'. You can download additional settings files from the markItUp web site.
# setToUse
The parse set to use. Defaults to 'html'. Again, markItUp is quite flexible and can parse a variety of formats. You can download additional parse-sets files from the markItUp web site.
# Roadmap
I'm not planning on doing to much with this unless the options change or something breaks. However, I am waiting for the author to update the widget to use the jQuery UI themes. I will update this page once that occurs.