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Show captcha after <N> unsuccessfull attempts


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Show captcha after <N> unsuccessfull attempts

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session, Authentication, security, form

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Basically, you need three things:

- in the model, you have to add captcha field as a required field in the rules() method

- in the controller, you have to create a different LoginForm model if number of unsuccessfull attempts are greater than
<N>**N** - in the view, you have to show captcha field if number of unsuccessfull attempts are greater than <N>**N**

In the LoginForm model, you can use 'scenario' to set different required fields, so:
private function captchaRequired()

return Yii::app()->session->itemAt('captchaRequired') >= $this->attempts;
Note that:

- if function *captchaRequired()* returns true create LoginForm with scenario 'captchaRequired', else create LoginForm with default scenario. This is useful because in protected/models/LoginForm
.php we have set two different required fields depending on scenario:
<?php if($model->scenario == 'captchaRequired'): ?>
Easy, uh? ;)
// code to show captcha
<?php endif; ?>
Easy, uh? ;)
13 4
Viewed: 35 391 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Written by: zitter
Last updated by: zitter
Created on: Jun 12, 2012
Last updated: 12 years ago
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