History Autocomplete

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What for?

In application development we often have to choose how to mange recurrent values.

For example, a field color for a cloath. You cannot leave free text, because there whould be too much typos, but you cannot enumerate all possibility because they are a lot and sometime there are new colors.

Often you can solve with a foreign field, with an interface for add a new color. That's great if adding new color is a quite rare operation, if it happens too often and if the users are too stupid for remember how to add a color, it can be odd.

I propose an half way solution: a free text with autocomplete based on history values.

Add this to an CHtml extension:

class ZHtml extends CHtml
	public function activeTextFieldHistory($model, $attribute, $htmlOptions=null)

		$route=array('/site/search', 'model'=>get_class($model), 'attribute'=>$attr);
		if (isset($htmlOptions['filter']))

You can pass additional configuration for the search (e.g, some more condition limiting the search in a project/group, sorting or whatever else)

And add this to your SiteController:

public function actionSearch()
		$attribute= $_GET['attribute'];
		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
		$criteria->condition="$attribute IS NOT NULL AND $attribute LIKE '%$param%' ";
		if (isset($_GET['filter']))
			$criteria->condition.=' AND '.$_GET['filter'];
		$criteria->order="COUNT($attribute) desc";
		foreach ($records as $record)
		echo CJSON::encode($results);

Now you can create your search textfield as:

ZHtml::activeTextFieldHistory($model, 'color');

This method is quite efficient and usually customer like it, because is based on the laziness of the users.