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How to learn Yii?!

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How to learn Yii?!

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tutorial, tips, understanding, yii

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You need to know the basics of how Object Oriented Programming works. Same as above: use Google or buy a book. You need to read the [PHP manual on OOP](http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.php). It will take you a few hours. Another tutorial about OOP can be found [here](http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/object-oriented-php-for-beginners/), and a video tutorial [here](http://www.killerphp.com/tutorials/object-oriented-php/).

3. **MVC**

It is **very important to understand** what the Model-View-Controller pattern means! If you don't, you will think Yii is chaos. As soon as MVC "clicks" in your mind, you will see the very logical pattern. Read
up on [one[general MVC article on Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller), [two and [details of Yii's MVC](http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide/1.1/en/basics.best-practices) and [three](http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/basics.mvc-start-workflow.html). You can also find an article here about [Understanding MVC](http://www.larryullman.com/series/understanding-mvc/).

4. **jQuery**
5. **API pages**

The following is important to always remember: You always need to open the API pages on functions you're using. The descriptions of all functions of a language can be found here. The API docs are your memory, since your brain can't remember it ALL. ;) For PHP, use the search box on the top right of [PHP.net](http://www.php.net/). For jQuery, you can search the [jQuery Docs](http://docs.jquery.com/Main_Page). And here is the API for [Yii
1.1](http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/) and for [Yii 22.0](http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/index.html), both of which haves a search feature. ***YII*** --------- 1
. **Easy introduction**
For visual explanation of Yii 1.1 there are [screencasts](http://www.yiiframework.com/screencasts/). After that, read up on [Larry Ullman's easy tutorial series](http://www.larryullman.com/series/learning-the-yii-framework/). Larry also has a video presentation: [Faster Web Development with Yii Framework 2](https://nomadphp.com/2014/07/25/october-2014-us/).
2. **The Definitive Guide to Yii**
The Definitive Guide to Yii is the *central and most important* learning resource for Yii. It is *definitive* and was written by the core Yii developers. It is available for [Yii 1.1](http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/) and [Yii 2](http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-index.html)
The Definitive Guide to Yii**
The [Definitive Guide to Yii](http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-index.html) is the *central and most important* learning resource for Yii. It is *definitive* and was written by the core Yii developers
. Just walk through all pages from top to the bottom. _Tip: Also check out the comments on the bottom of the pages._ 3. **Doing stuff** At some point while you read the Definitive Guide you'll want to get started with coding in Yii. If you begin with one of the conventional starting points then you stand a better chance of getting help when you need it.
- For Yii 1.1, do [The Yii Blog Tutorial](http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/blog/) which takes you setp-by-setp through all the basics of implementing a web app with Yii. Yii 2 does not have an equivalent tutorial *yet*.
- For Yii 2, there are two demonstration
 Install the Yii2 [demo applications: [basic](https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/tree/master/apps/basic) and [advanced](https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/tree/master/apps/advanced). Follow the instructions in the README of those apps to install. Then study the code and start experimenting. 4. **Got confused what's happening?**
You can tra

[Note: Stick to the basic app for learning. The advan
ced all variables to the Yii Log to see what's in them. You can find more info here: [How to log and debug variables using CWebLogRoute](http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/114/how-to-log-and-debug-variables-using-cweblogroute) Irreplaceable for everyone to seepp adds a lot of confusing complication for team development and multiple websites in one project.]
4. **Got confused what's happening?**
Learn to use the [Debug toolbar and debugger](http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-tool-debugger.html). With the debug toolbar you can view
what's happening! This is the best trick you ever learn:
        Yii::trace(CVarDumper::dumpAsString($var), 'NAMEOFYOURTRACE');
***WHAT THEN?***
1. **Extra's**
There are a lot of good tips for Yii 1.1 in the [Yii Application Development Cookbook](http://yiicookbook.org/). (If you buy it, check the errata section on their website.) Also c
going on behind the scenes. It exposes your app's configuration, requests and responses, database queries, and a lot of other key information. 
***WHAT THEN?***
1. **Extra's**
heck out the [Yii Wiki](http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/) and the [Yii Class Reference](http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/-2.0/index.html). _Tip: You can view Yii source code directly in the API docs. Also, the lookup/search box in there is invaluable._

2. **jQuery**

[Updated by thefsb/tom[]
OctFeb 20145]
17 0
Viewed: 121 716 times
Version: all
Category: Tutorials
Written by: yJeroen
Last updated by: CeBe
Created on: Nov 8, 2011
Last updated: 5 years ago
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