Revision #9 has been created by Luke Jurgs on Feb 7, 2013, 10:59:48 AM with the memo:
Added description of CActiveRecord scenarios
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Understanding Scenarios
Yii version
Form validation, Scenarios, validation rules, model validation, understanding
//Note: the default scenario for CActiveRecord is 'insert' so keep this in mind
//when using these examples
CActiveRecord scenarios
CActiveRecord sets a number of scenarios internally, any rules you set are validated against these scenarios depending on what operation is performed.
#### 1. Insert
Al instances of CActiveRecord instantiated via the constructor with the _new_ keyword are set to this scenario by default. Any rules with the scenario will only be validated on database insert (first call to the save() method).
#### 2. Update
All instances of CActiveRecord instantiated via the find() methods are set to this scenario by default. Any rules with the scenario will only be validated on database updates (subsequent calls to the save() method).
#### 3. Search
This is not used internally but it is worth a mention as all the Gii generated model and crud code uses the 'search' scenario. The models generated by Gii create a rule like:
array('id, email, last_ip, created, last_login', 'safe', 'on' => 'search'),
This allows the mass assignment of these attributes when the scenario is set to search.
Now when you validate user inputs you can stratify or separate different input rules on validation. An example of this is wanting to apply more rigid rules to users then to say internal business logic.