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Use Single Login Session on All Your Yii2 Application/Repository Under Same Domain/Sub Domain

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Use Single Login Session on All Your Yii2 Application/Repository Under Same Domain/Sub Domain

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There are multiple blog that shows how to use seperate login for yii2 application but in this article i will show you how to use a single login screen for all your YII2 Advanced, YII2 Basic, Application, It will also work when your domain on diffrent server or the same server.
Here are few Steps you need to follow ot achive this.

There are multiple blog that shows how to use seperate login for yii2 application but in this article i will show you how to use a single login screen for all your YII2 Advanced, YII2 Basic, Application, It will also work when your domain on diffrent server or the same server.

Here are few Steps you need to follow ot achive this.

**1. For Advanced Templates**
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Viewed: 925 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials
Written by: aayushmhu
Last updated by: aayushmhu
Created on: Sep 10, 2024
Last updated: 9 days ago
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