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How to add a DropDown Language Picker (i18n) to the Menu

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How to add a DropDown Language Picker to the Menu

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i18n,AJAX,bootstrap,internationalization,bootstrap menu

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## Create the required Files

First you need to create a configuration file.

Decide where to store it (e.g. in the `./messages/` directory with the name `create_i18n.php`). Create the directory in the project then issue the following command from **Terminal** (Windows
: CMD) from the root directory of your project:


./yii message/config --languages=en-US --sourcePath=@app --messagePath=messages ./messages/create_i18n.php

If necessary, change the root directory in `create_i18n.php` to point to the messages directory - the default is `messages`. Note, if the above file is in the messages directory (recommended) then don't alter this `'messagePath' => __DIR__,`. If you alter the directory for `
create_i18n.phpmessages` to, say, `/config/` (not a good idea) you can use the following:


Note: you should always use the `'sourceLanguage' => 'en'` as it is, usually, easier and cheaper to translate from English into another language. If the `sourceLanguage` is not set it defaults to

Add the following to the `'components' => [...]` section:
   'Home' => 'Accueil',    'About' => 'À propos',
The `key` is the ICU language code in lowercase (with optional country code in uppercase) e.g.

> French:
`fr` or French Canada: `fr-CA` > > Portuguese: `pt` or Portuguese Brazil: `pt-BR` The `name` is the name of the language *in that language*. Fe.g. for French: `'Français'`, for Japanese: `'日本の'`. This is important as the user may not understand the browser's current language.

In `/config/params.php` create an array named `languages` with the languages required. For example:
### 4. Call `LanguageHandler.php` from `/config/web.php`

"Call" the `LanguageHandler.php` file from `/config/web.php` by adding the following to either just above or just below `'params' => $params,`

'encodeLabels' => false, // Optional but required to enter HTML into the labels for images
'items' => $items, // add the languages into the Dropdown
The code for in `main.php` for the NavBar should look something like this: ```php
'brandLabel' => Yii::$app->name, // set in /config/web.php
'brandUrl' => Yii::$app->homeUrl,
Internationalisation should now be working on your project.

## Optional Items

The following are optional but may help both you and/or the user.
There are two steps:

1.**A.** In `/config/web.php uncomment` the following line:


2.**B.** Create a TranslationEventHandler:

In `/components/` create a file named: `TranslationEventHandler.php` and add the following code to it:

If there is a missing translation
, the text is replaced with a message similar to the following text:

> @MISSING: app.Logout (John) FOR LANGUAGE fr @
This is very useful and recommended as it aids the User to locate the correct language. There are a number of steps for this.

1.**a.** Create images of the flags. The images should be 25px wide by 15px high. The images **must have** the same name as the language key in the language array in params.php. For example: `fr.png` or `en-US.png`. If the images are not of type ".png" change the code in part 2**b.** below to the correct file extension. Place the images in a the directory `/public_html/images/flags/`. 2.**b.** Alter the code in `/views/layouts/main.php` so that the code for the "NavBar" reads as follows:

<header id="header">
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Viewed: 71 033 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
Written by: JQL
Last updated by: JQL
Created on: Nov 24, 2023
Last updated: 11 months ago
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