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Yii v2 snippet guide III

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Yii v2 snippet guide III

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**Running Yii project in Docker (now without xDebug)**

*Note: I am showing the advanced application. Basic application will not be too different I think.*

- Download
Yii the application template and extract it to any folder - Open command line and navigate to the project folder - Run command **docker-compose up -d** - Argument -d will run docker on the background as a service - Advantage is that command line will not be blocked, but - you will be able to call more commands - Run command **init** to initialize the application - You can also call **composer install** using one of following commands:
- docker-compose run --rm frontend composer install
- docker-compose run --rm backend composer install
- ... see docker-compose.yml to understand these port numbers

Open common
\/config\/main-local.php and set following DB connection:
- host=mysql
- dbname=yii2advanced
- Values are taken from docker-compose.yml

Run migrations
uieng one of following commands: - docker-compose run --rm frontend php yii migrate - docker-compose run --rm backend php yii migrate Now go to Frontend and click "signup" in the right upper corner - This will create a new user and will send an email. It will appear in folder frontend\/runtime\/mail - Now you have to activate it. FIirst way is to use the the email - Open the EML file in frontend\/runtime\/mail\*.eml
- copy whole href which is inside and modify it by changing these substrings: "=3D" "=" "&" "%2F"
- Original format:
- Desired format:
- http://localhost:20080/index.php?r=site/verify-email&token=07tYL8tqNjsyr8eZBoN_mXOgwtq1XqvB_1614901373
- If the link is correct, activation will suc
ceed Second way is to directly modify table in DB: - Download adminer - It is a single-file DB client: [www.adminer.org/en](www.adminer.org/en) - Copy Adminer to frontend\web\adminer.php - Open Adminer using: http://localhost:20080/adminer.php - If your DB has no password, adminer fill refuse to work. You would have to "crack" it. - Use following login and go to DB yii2advanced: - Sserver=mysql
- username=yii2advanced
- password=secret
- Values are taken from docker-compose.yml
- Set status=10 to your first user
8 0
Viewed: 197 888 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials
Written by: rackycz
Last updated by: rackycz
Created on: Jan 21, 2021
Last updated: a year ago
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