Difference between #14 and #15 of
UUID instead of an auto-increment integer for ID with Active Record

Revision #15 has been created by grigori on Nov 25, 2019, 11:42:39 PM with the memo:

explanation added
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Title unchanged

UUID instead of an auto-increment integer for ID with Active Record

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Yii version unchanged


Tags unchanged

mysql,active record,REST,UUID

Content changed

//now let's check if ID is taken
['id','unique','filter'=>function(\yii\db\Query $q){$q->where(['id'=>$this->getAttribute('id')]);}],

First rule is a validator for an input. Second rule is a filter preparing UUID to be written in a binary format and keeping the text form for output. Third one is a validator running a query over the binary value generated by a filter.
Note: I wrote `$this->getAttribute('id')`, `$this->id` returns a text form.
We can write a query to validate data, not to save it.

Step 3. Add getters

public function __get($name)
5 0
Viewed: 61 342 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
Written by: grigori
Last updated by: samdark
Created on: Nov 25, 2019
Last updated: 4 years ago
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