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How to organize Design "things" in Yii 2 (themes and layout)

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How to organize Design "things" in YIIii 2 (themes and layout)

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after working with YII2 for serveral Years and doing creating systems sharing Information over the web. I'm not a designer, so my look and feel is more functional :).
Sometimes the App needs a nicer look & feel, so its necessary to organize the assets for this and yYii can help a lot to make it easy.
Here my tipps for special purpose
 In this article I provide tips for handling multiple "Designs".
 I use these three features,:
Themes. What do you need for desingning your website:
- CSS files - JS files and  - some Images or other medias. l
ets call it "DesignAssets" What Yii needs:
- one or more Layout files - the view files - AssetBundle set in the layout-file l 
ets call it "DesignTemplates". So how to bundle these and where is the best place to put which item?
in your yii app
them in your application directory? method## Via "theming"

- myYiiApp
- put here all your "DesignTemplates" (AssetBundle,layout, and view folder/files, when using themes)

OR method "u## Using layouts"

- myYiiApp
- ...

and for b## Both

- myYiiApp
**## UseCase one:**
Write an App and distribute it to some Customer. Here can it be necessary that every customer wants a personal design. ### Solution: Using themes

you config in your web.php or main.php (advanced template)
put your "DesignAssets" und the web directory
`myYiiApp/web/designs/myDesign1/css` and `js` and `img` folders customize your `myYiiApp/designs/myDesign1/assets/MyDesignAsset.php` and your layout file `myYiiApp/designs/myDesign1/layout/main.php` thats it. **## UseCase two:**
you need several designs for e.g. controllers. so my remmmendation is using layouts, because easy switching in controller action. ### Solution with layouts

there is no need to configure anything in the config files
put your "DesignAssets" und the web directory
`myYiiApp/web/designs/myDesign1/css` and `js` and `img` folders create and customize your `myYiiApp/assets/MyDesignAsset.php` and your layout file `myYiiApp/views/layout/mydesign1.php`

in your controller action set your layout.

may it helps your start with designing
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Viewed: 29 085 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tips
Written by: s.oli
Last updated by: samdark
Created on: Jul 24, 2018
Last updated: 6 years ago
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