Creating a parameterized LIKE query
Yii version
LIKE, substring query
fails to find anything. And the version without single quotes around the `:match` yields an SQL error.
This search is properly achieved by **moving the `%` metacharacters into the bound parameter**:
$match = addcslashes($match, '%_'); // escape LIKE's special characters
$q = new CDbCriteria( array(
'condition' => "content LIKE :match", // no quotes around :match
'params' => array(':match' => "%$match%") // Aha! Wildcards go here[...]
$comments = Comments::model()->findAll( $q ); // works!
TJust as in any other prepared statement, the `:match` in the condition should **not**
havebe surrounded by quotes - Yii handles this parameter binding properly
(adding the quotes will make it find nothing).
Alternate versions:
$match = addcslashes($match, '%_'); // escape LIKE's special characters
// directly into findAll()
$comments = Comments::model()->findAll(
'content LIKE :match',[...]
) );
Better: use CDbCriteria::
If the query uses a direct `CDbCriteria` object, it's more efficient (and just as safe) to do a simple substring match with the
`] method, which handles it all directly.
$q = new CDbCriteria();
compare('content', $match, true); // true=partial match
$comments = Comments::model()->findAll( $q );
The third parameter of `addSearchCondition('content', $match);
$comments = Comments::model()->findAll( $q );
Yii will turn this criteria into a LIKE query using `%` wildcards before and after the match variable. By default, it protects active characters in the variable.
One could also use `$q->compare('content', $match, true
asks for a **partial match**, which Yii turns into a LIKE query using `%` wildcards before and after the match variable.but it has a few side effects. For instance, if `$match` is `"<>hello"`, the criteria will find the rows where the content is `NOT LIKE '%hello%'`.
### Warning
The pattern `LIKE '%XXX%'` must not be abused.
* This is not scalable and can be really slow on medium-sized databases.
For instance, MySQL cannot use indexes with such criteria, so it has to process the whole data.
* This is not a *google-like* search, and complex queries like `zend -framework "php core"` are not possible. Users often expect more than just a substring search.
While both Postgresql and MySQL include an embedded full-text search, this kind of search is often handled by another service. The most well-known free systems are Xapian, Sphinx and Lucene.
There are already some yii extensions for this:
- [**Sphinx**]( : [DGSphinxSearch Extension](
- [**Solr (Lucene)**]( : [Solr Extension](