Using International Dates

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  1. Introduction
  2. Set the Locale
  3. Set the validation rule
  4. Saving dates
  5. Formatting dates
  6. Changing the target language


I needed British (dd/mm/yyyy) formatted dates throughout my application but found it very difficult to find examples of how to do this - until I found this excellent forum post

So heres my complete solution - note that I'm using the 'short' date format throughout.

Set the Locale

Add this line to protected/main/config.php, I have it just after the application name

return array(
	'name'=>'My Application',

Set the validation rule

In your model, eg: protected/models/client.php add this format rule for any dates

public function rules()
	return array(

Saving dates

I've modified the above forum post so that its set for short dates. Again this is in your model

protected function beforeSave()
		// Format dates based on the locale
		foreach($this->metadata->tableSchema->columns as $columnName => $column)
			if ($column->dbType == 'date')
				$this->$columnName = date('Y-m-d', CDateTimeParser::parse($this->$columnName, Yii::app()->locale->getDateFormat('short')));
			elseif ($column->dbType == 'datetime')
				$this->$columnName = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', CDateTimeParser::parse($this->$columnName, Yii::app()->locale->getDateTimeFormat('short')));
		return true;
		return false;

Formatting dates

And finally formatting the dates after a find - again this is in your model.

protected function afterFind()
	// Format dates based on the locale 								
	foreach($this->metadata->tableSchema->columns as $columnName => $column)
		if (!strlen($this->$columnName)) continue;
		if ($column->dbType == 'date')
			$this->$columnName = Yii::app()->dateFormatter->formatDateTime(
				CDateTimeParser::parse($this->$columnName, 'yyyy-MM-dd'),'short',null);
		elseif ($column->dbType == 'datetime')
			$this->$columnName = Yii::app()->dateFormatter->formatDateTime(
				CDateTimeParser::parse($this->$columnName, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'),'short','short');
	return true;

Changing the target language

In theory (I haven't tested it) you should be able to change the target language on the fly - my plan is when a user registers, the locale is set after login and so the dates are formatted accordingly.
