Create your own Validation Rule
Yii version
validator, validation rules, model validation, create validator
Some times the core validation rules provided by Yii won't satisfy all your needs, so you'll need to create your very own validation rule.
##Easy approach: inside-model rule
The easiest way to create a new validation rule is inside the model that is going to use it.[...]
Usually you could achieve this result just by using the [CRegularExpressionValidator]( but for the sake of this guide let's pretend that validator does not exist.
first of all in your model class you'll have to add two constants
const WEAK = 0;
const STRONG = 1;
then in your rules method you'll have to set the rule[...]
* check if the user password is strong enough
* check the password against the pattern requested
* by the strenght
h parameter
* This is the 'passwordStrength' validator as declared in rules().
In our rules method we used this rule on the password attribute, so the value of attribute inside our validation model will be **password**
In the rule we also setted an additional parameter named **strenght
the value of that parameter will be inside the $params array[...]
Add Error accepts two parameters: the first one is the name of the attribute that you want to display the error in your form, the second one is the actual error string you want to be displayed.
##Complete approach: extending the CValidator class
If you need your custom validation rule in more then one model the best thing to do is extending the CValidator class.[...]
* Russian version [The PHP Times](