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Multiple-database support in Yii


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Multiple-database support in Yii

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Once this is defined, the second database is referred to as `Yii::app()->dbadvert` rather than `Yii::app()->db` (of course, the first is still available).

But we can do much better integration than this, starting with Gii and ending with AR support.
Using Gii
Gii can use multiple database connections in Yii > 1.1.11.
If you are using a previous version, 
Gii only knows how to use the primary database connection, so for a brief time while creating models/controllers/crud, you'll have to edit your `protected/config/main.php` file to temporarily make the advertising database the primary `db` connection:

throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','Active Record requires a "db" CDbConnection application component.'));
This method is **purposely** static: the underlying cached `$dbadvert` value is, so the function may as well be be too. Now, with this helper prepared, we can edit the model itself:
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Viewed: 147 403 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Tags: database
Written by: Steve Friedl
Last updated by: phazei
Created on: Dec 21, 2010
Last updated: 12 years ago
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