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I have two tables called hospitals and departments. I have a junction table between them which holds the departments in each hospital. But sometimes I need a list of "All hospitals with All possible departments" - regardless of whether they are linked in the junction table or not.
So I need to read all hospital records and "cross join" each of them with all department records - bypassing the junction table. Obviously in this case, hospitals and departments are unrelated tables.
The default order in the CGridView is hospitals ASC, departments ASC. In the CGridView, I want to be able to sort and filter hospitals only.
public $gv_hospitals = null;
public function rules()
return array(
array('gv_hospitals', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),
public function search()
tbl_hosp, tbl_dept')->queryScalar();
// If gv_hospitals was received from CGridview, then
// filter records with a WHERE clause
if( ($this->gv_hospitals !== null) &&
($this->gv_hospitals !== ''))
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->compare('hosp_name',$this->gv_hospitals, true);
$condition = $criteria->condition;
$params = $criteria->params;
$sql = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
concat(tbl_hosp.hosp_id, tbl_dept.dept_id) AS compkey,
tbl_hosp.hosp_id AS hosp_id,
tbl_hosp.hosp_name AS hosp_name,
tbl_dept.dept_name AS dept_name
->from("tbl_hosp, tbl_dept")
->where($condition, $params);
$sql = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
concat(tbl_hosp.hosp_id, tbl_dept.dept_id) AS compkey,
tbl_hosp.hosp_id AS hosp_id,
tbl_hosp.hosp_name AS hosp_name,
tbl_dept.dept_name AS dept_name
->from("tbl_hosp, tbl_dept");
return new CSqlDataProvider($sql, array(
// Use the composite key to keep the (hidden) key values of your
// gridview rows unique,
// because functions like getChecked() return key values of
// checked ROWS - not the id or value of the checkboxes.
'keyField' => 'compkey',
'sort' => array(
// Indicate what can be sorted
'attributes' => array(
'asc' =>'hosp_name ASC, dept_name ASC',
'desc'=>'hosp_name DESC, dept_name ASC',
// Default order in CGridview
'defaultOrder' => array(
'gv_hospitals' => CSort::SORT_ASC,
'dept_name' => CSort::SORT_ASC,
'pageSize'=>$count, //Show all records
CGridView data columns:
'header'=> 'Hospitals',
'name' => 'gv_hospitals',
'value' => '$data["hosp_name"]',
'filter'=> CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'gv_hospitals'),
'header' => 'Departments',
relation with empty join condition
Isn't it possible to set up a relation with an empty join condition.
I needed a condition which is '1=1'.
That way all Yii functionnality would still work, including RelatedSearchBehavior.
relation with empty join condition
Hi Le_top. That sounds interesting.
Will 'keyField' still have the required composite key - which it needs to make some gridview js functions return unique keys?
Will you still use CSqlDataProvider?
You may have to experiment a bit and possibly indicate another primary key-value.
Regarding the edit, view, delete links: you surely have to personnalise them and include the keys in the generated url.
Still, that is less error prone and more flexible than constructing the SQL request yourself. Your example does not mind about SQL injection for instance which you would get protection from automatically when using the usual way.
I haven't looked into it, but I suppose it is possible.
I think it is worth experimenting it because of the potential benefit you get.
Hi Le-top, I changed the sql to prevent injections.
Suggestion for code cleanup
I do something very similar to this and would only offer one suggestion. The code
if( ($this->gv_hospitals !== null) && ($this->gv_hospitals !== ''))
is not needed. CDBCriteria will handle null parameters and you will end up with the condition WHERE statement = ''. If you would rather not have this type of WHERE statement just separate the it out like this
if ($criteria->condition != '') { $command->where($criteria->condition, $criteria->params); }
This does not fix any issues with the code but just makes the code easier to maintain because you do not have the duplicate SQL statement.
Suggestion for code cleanup
Thanx Bass28
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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