embedded javascript block in your view with IDE checking or intellisense

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this is my way for embed js code block in view file:

<?php \year\widgets\JsBlock::begin() ?>
<script >
        jQuery(".company_introduce").slide({mainCell:".bd ul",effect:"left",autoPlay:true,mouseOverStop:true});
<?php \year\widgets\JsBlock::end()?>

and my extension for it:

 * User: yiqing
 * Date: 14-9-15
 * Time: 下午12:09

namespace year\widgets;

use yii\web\View ;
use yii\widgets\Block ;

class JsBlock extends Block{

     * @var null
    public $key = null;
     * @var int
    public $pos = View::POS_END ;
     * Ends recording a block.
     * This method stops output buffering and saves the rendering result as a named block in the view.
    public function run()
        $block = ob_get_clean();
        if ($this->renderInPlace) {
           throw new \Exception("not implemented yet ! ");
           // echo $block;
        $block = trim($block) ;
        $jsBlockPattern  = '|^<script[^>]*>(.+?)</script>$|is';
            $block =  preg_replace ( $jsBlockPattern , '${1}'  , $block );
        $jsBlockPattern  = '|^<script[^>]*>(?P<block_content>.+?)</script>$|is';
            $block =  $matches['block_content'];

        $this->view->registerJs($block, $this->pos,$this->key) ;

you can change the namespace for your own !

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Viewed: 13 418 times
Version: Unknown (update)
Category: Tips
Written by: yiqing95
Last updated by: yiqing95
Created on: Sep 22, 2014
Last updated: 9 years ago
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