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Here i am writing code how to add option of theme change and layout change in your website.
Below are the steps you have to follow for this
- Make Layout for each (i.e left,top,right)
- Make Css for each(as per your choice)
- Create a folder named theme and put all yor layout and other file for each theme respectivley
- In Css directory create directory for each theme and put all your css and js file in respective directory
Make table named theme where each theme name has its themeID,name ¶
In Layout
<table><?php echo CHtml::beginForm(); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::label('Theme','Theme',array('class'=>'form-label')); ?></td></tr>
<?php echo CHtml::dropdownlist('themeID', 'themeID',array(''=>'--Select--')
+CHtml::listData(Theme::model()->findAll("status = 'A'",array('order' => 'theme_name',)), 'themeID', 'theme_name'),array('class'=>'span2 text','onchange'=>'this.form.submit();'));?>
<?php echo CHtml::endForm(); ?>
</table> </td>
<?php echo CHtml::beginForm(); ?>
<tr><td><?php echo CHtml::label('Layout','Layout',array('class'=>'form-label')); ?></td></tr>
<?php echo CHtml::dropdownlist('layoutID', 'layoutID',array(''=>'--Select--') +CHtml::listData(MenuLayout::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'layout_name',)), 'layoutID', 'layout_name'),array('class'=>'span2 text','onchange'=>'this.form.submit();'));?>
<?php echo CHtml::endForm(); ?>
</table> </td>
In Controller
public $theme;
public function init()
Yii::app()->theme = Yii::app()->session['theme'];
Yii::app()->layout = Yii::app()->session['layout'];
Yii::app()->layout = '//layouts/adminColumn';;
public $layout;
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