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How to display status image on admin gridview.
First you can create the UtilityHtml.php file in componet folder. (Otherwise which call a common file)
Put the below function in UtilityHtml.php file:
public static function getImagetitle($status) {
if ($status == 1 || strtolower($status) == 'yes') {
return 'Active';
} else {
return 'Inactive';
public static function getStatusImage($status) {
if ($status == 1 || strtolower($status) == 'yes') {
return Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/images/checked.png';
} else {
return Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/images/unchecked.png';
and display the grid view on admin.php file
'filter'=>array('1'=>'Active', '0'=>'Inactive'),
'value'=>'CHtml::tag("div", array(
"style"=>"text-align: center",
CHtml::tag("img", array(
"title"=>UtilityHtml::getImagetitle(GxHtml::valueEx($data, "is_active")),
"src"=>UtilityHtml::getStatusImage(GxHtml::valueEx($data, "is_active")),
cgridview value
cgreidview Values from functions. good article
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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