CButtonColumn: Use special variable $data for the 'id' in the'options' of a button

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The problem

In an application I had a CGridView with a CButtonColumn and for an Ajax-Request I needed to make sure that the IDs of the buttons would not change when the GridView was updated so in effect I wanted to link them to the $data->id. So I tried:

array(	'class'=>'CButtonColumn',
			'label'=>'My Button',
			'url'=>'Yii::app()->createUrl("site/doStuff", array("id"=>$data->id))',

Which did not work as the 'id' is simply not evaluated using CButtonColumn.

The solution

I found this article which does a similar thing for a normal CDataColumn: CGridView: Use special variable $data in the htmlOptions of a column (i.e. evaluate htmlOptions attribute)

Inspired by it I extended the CButtonColumn class like this:

 * ButtonColumn class file.
 * Extends {@link CButtonColumn}
 * Allows additional evaluation of ID in options.
 * @version $Id$
class ButtonColumn extends CButtonColumn
	 * @var boolean whether the ID in the button options should be evaluated.
	public $evaluateID = false;

	 * Renders the button cell content.
	 * This method renders the view, update and delete buttons in the data cell.
	 * Overrides the method 'renderDataCellContent()' of the class CButtonColumn
	 * @param integer $row the row number (zero-based)
	 * @param mixed $data the data associated with the row
	public function renderDataCellContent($row, $data)
		foreach($this->buttons as $id=>$button)
			if($this->evaluateID and isset($button['options']['id'])) 
				$button['options']['id'] = $this->evaluateExpression($button['options']['id'], array('row'=>$row,'data'=>$data));
		echo strtr($this->template,$tr);

Basically I'm first checking if the ID should be evaluated which is indicated by a new boolean variable $evaluateID and whether the ID is actually set. Then we try to evaluate it and replace the original with the result which later on gets placed into the HTML-tag.

I can now use this class instead, set the $evaluateID to true and my button IDs will be evaluated correctly. This is how the button gets used now:

array(	'class'=>'ButtonColumn',
			'label'=>'My Button',
			'url'=>'Yii::app()->createUrl("site/doStuff", array("id"=>$data->id))',

The resulting HTML then looks like this:

	<a id="button_for_id_4711" href="/MyApp/index.php?r=site/doStuff&id=4711"></a>