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Here is my experiment inspired by my own question and others from the forum.
I am not talking about [[Url: hide index.php]( "this")] or [[How to hide index.php on nginx]]( "this"), however, i am also talking about 'hide' something.
take yii default scaffolding web app as example: assuming that you already did the trick as above to hide index.php from your uri, you might notice that the following two URLs are still working.
someone in the forum suggested add the following code in /protected/components/Controller.php
public function init(){
if (strpos(Yii::app()->request->requestUri, '/index.php') !== false){
throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested page does not exist.');
I am not sure if I like the idea of throwing an error, so I took another approach [redirect], so modified the code as:
public function init(){
if (Yii::app()->urlManager->showScriptName == false){
if (strpos(Yii::app()->request->requestUri, '/index.php') !== false){
$_uri = str_replace("/index.php", "", Yii::app()->request->requestUri);
$_uri = str_replace("//", "", $_uri);
then you will always see url like this which 'truelly' hide index.php
good enough? just wait a minute, someone mentioned in the forumn he/she does not really like to see 'index' in this url even! he/she expects this:
hmmmm, would redirect do the trick? let's put some code in /protected/controller/SiteController.php:
protected function beforeAction($action)
$_uri = false;
if (Yii::app()->urlManager->showScriptName == false){
if (strpos(Yii::app()->request->requestUri, '/index.php') !== false){
$_uri = str_replace("/index.php", "", Yii::app()->request->requestUri);
if (Yii::app()->controller->action->id == 'index'){
if (!$_uri) {
if (strpos(Yii::app()->request->requestUri, "/index") !== false){
$_uri = str_replace("/index", "", Yii::app()->request->requestUri);
} else {
if (strpos($_uri, "/index") !== false){
$_uri = str_replace("/index", "", $_uri);
if ($_uri !== false){
return parent::beforeAction($action);
give a try, works? yeah ,,,
I'm not sure if this is 'the' solution, but sure it will work for those 'picky' developers or users for a clean url.
You may ask why don't you have the above code in Contoller Class [/protected/components/Controller.php], so this trick works for all Controllers? I tried, did work. I guess the redirection lost its way to hit SiteController. Someone may help me on this.
and feel free to modify this wiki.
Hiding index.php should be done using htaccess:
Hiding the default action, actionIndex() in most cases, is interesting. Though remember, that index isnt always the default action. :)
thanks @jeroen84
the trick i dumped here is more about replace 'urgly' with 'cleaner' url rather than hiding 'index.php' or default action, i should title it how to remove duplicate urls.
with .htaccess rule of hidding index.php, however, /index.php/controller/action would be still working. with this trick, user will always see /controller/action only.
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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