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Introduction ¶
Here I suggest to list the most common questions you meet in the forum or freenode irc. Feel free to edit this wiki article, and add another question with answer
Put attention of the question answer form
### Questions text
#### Answer:
The answer text
To give some one link to this wiki in freenode yii chat write:
!faq common questions
The Questions ¶
Why is $model->save() not saving the record/object/model? ¶
Answer: ¶
Because save method performs validation CActiveRecord::save
As you can see in the source code:
public function save($runValidation=true,$attributes=null)
if(!$runValidation || $this->validate($attributes))
return $this->getIsNewRecord() ? $this->insert($attributes) : $this->update($attributes);
return false;
if you don't want it to validate just do $method->save(false);
How to connect to database in controller? ¶
Answer: ¶
The best approach is to set db coneection in your main.php config.
The second one would be just using the CDbConnection::__construct
Examples for both aproaches can be found here Guide::Establishing Database Connection
How to change site/page?id=123 to site/page/id ¶
Answer: ¶
For this you should use urlManager
it is actually very-well documented... URL Manager
The direct answer to the question is - using that rule:
'site/action/<id:\d+>' => 'site/action'
In your you can set $id like this: actionPage($id)
or get it via Yii::app()->request->getQuery('id');
I got an error: Call to a member function getAttributes() on a non-object ... ¶
what to do?
Answer: ¶
First of all you should always read the error... The problem is actually indeed that you trying to use a function on some variable that is not an object, and because it is not an object - it doesn't has the method you want to use!
so use var_dump or echo CVarDumper::dump($param, 10, true); or print_r , TO understand why it is not an object!
for example if you tried to get a user via active record it can be null if it is not exists, you need to check it...
Why Form / ActiveForm not doing ajax validation ? ¶
Answer: ¶
In most of the cases this code snippet will help for generated form via gii:
<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
'clientOptions' => array(
)); ?>
If you create your own form, and trying to do this... better create CRUD with gii, and see how it is done there!
you need to echo the validation results if this is an ajax request! via
echo CActiveForm::validate($model);
How to use find / findByAttributes etc. ¶
Answer: ¶
This is an example from UserIdentity:
$user = User::model()->findByAttributes(array('username'=>$this->username));
other way is specify CDbCriteria
How to increment or decrement counter via query builder ¶
Answer: ¶
The simplest answer would be - don't use query builder for that... But just for the protocol
'counter' => new CDbExpression( 'counter + :counter' , array(':counter'=>1))
new CDbCriteria(array(
"condition" => "id = :id" ,
"params" => array(
Hi all,
This article seems useful and interesting, but you are copying purpose for which Your text to link here... has been setup! :]
I'm neither author of nor it's supporter, but I think that people responsible for this project will welcome integration of your Q&A posted here to their database.
Re: trejder
Seems more logical to me that they will collect the most common questions, and add them to here ;-)
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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