Yii Error Handler package was updated with the following enhancements and fixes:
Yii Error Handler package was updated with the following enhancements and fixes:
Minor version of Yii Config package was released. There are some new features and improvements:
Minor version of Yii DB Migration package was released. There are one new feature:
Minor version of Yii Strings package was released. There are some new features and improvements:
Version 2.1 of Yii User package was released. There are some improvements and fixes:
Version 1.2 of Yii Factory package is released. There are one improvement, the container is made optional.
Version 3.3 of Yii HTML package is released. There are some improvements and fixes:
Version 3.2 of Yii HTML package is released. There are some improvements and fixes:
Minor version of Yii Event package was released.
This release adds the ability to configure the events
configuration group name in params