Version 10.0 of Yii View package was released.
First stable version of console application template is released.
First release of yiisoft/requirements package was done. It allows to check if a certain set of defined requirements is met.
Minor version of Yii View Extension was tagged. There are some improvements and fixes:
Yii Validator package was updated with the following enhancements and new features:
We are very pleased to announce the release of Auth Client extension version 2.2.16.
Version 2.2 of Yii User package was released. There are some improvements and changes:
Version 2.3.7 of Queue extension for Yii 2 was released.
Minor version of Yii Cache Library - APCu Handler package was released.
Yii Validator package was updated with the following enhancements and new features:
We are very pleased to announce the release of Sphinx extension version 2.0.16. This release adds UINT_SET
attribute type support and ensures compatibility with Sphinx 3 by running tests against it.
One more package has been released. This time it's a wrapper around Cycle ORM for Yii ecosystem. Cycle is known for support both classic and daemonized PHP applications based for example on RoadRunner.