Config package got a minor version.
Both router and its FastRoute adapter went stable. These are very central packages in Yii3.
User package got stable release. It provides convenient user identity management and access checking:
Translation message extractor got its first stable version. It is a command-line tool that allows automatically extracting translation IDs from PHP source files and writing them to one of the translator message sources.
First version of Factory package was released. This package provides abstract object factory allowing to create objects by given definition with dependencies resolved by a PSR-11 container. It is useful if you need to create objects using definition syntax and/or want to configure defaults for objects created.
First release of yii-http package is tagged. It provides the application class, as well as the events and handlers needed to interact with HTTP. The package is implemented using PSR-7 interfaces.
Version 1.0.0 of Yii Dependency Injection container is released. It is a PSR-11 compatible dependency injection container that is able to instantiate and configure classes resolving dependencies.
Minor verison of CSRF package was tagged adding ability to specify your own failure handler:
New major release of middleware dispatcher package was tagged. While 1.0.0 was released only a few days ago, we had a great usability idea that, as usual, came right after 1.0.0 was done.
First version of Redis adapter for Yii cache was released. It is based on predis and could be used either standalone as PSR-16 cache implementation or with Yii cache to gain additional benefits.
Version 2.0.0 of assets package was released improving public API for more convenient use.
First release of Yii Console package was tagged. It provides a console that could be added to an application.