Extensions tagged with "logging"

Showing 1-11 of 11 items.


Logging 0 165
Yii 1.0 Integration with errorstreamcom
Created by kevinh448, 8 years ago.


Error Handling 2 321
A module to show logs and delete runtime and assets data
Created by shiv, 9 years ago.


Logging 0 155
Send Yii 1 logs to stdout/stderr
Created by Motin, 9 years ago.


Error Handling 16 1430
Track and display usage information including page requests, database field changes, php errors and yii logs.
Created by cornernote, 10 years ago, updated 9 years ago.


Logging 0 511
Yii LogAnalyzer - Log file analyzer for Yii (application.log)
Created by Tonin De Rosso Bolzan, 11 years ago.


Logging 2 0
Log all error and exception to sentry server.
Created by TheBee, 12 years ago.


Logging 2 359
Very simple yet useful benchmarking/logging class
Created by Nick Makarov, 12 years ago.


Logging 4 734
AWFLogRoute - Ajax Web File Log Route class
Created by Maurizio Domba Cerin, 12 years ago.


Logging 11 2106
Particletree.com Php Quick Profiler Wrapper
Created by Asgaroth, 13 years ago.


Logging 4 2090
FirePHP log routes
Created by Shiki, 14 years ago, updated 11 years ago.


Logging 3 1780
Route Yii log messages directly to syslog / Windows Event Log
Created by eval, 15 years ago, updated 13 years ago.