
The Yii community has developed a great amount of extensions that provide a lot of useful functionality.

  • The extensions you find here are user contributed extensions.
  • There is also a set of extensions maintained by the Yii team, we call these official extensions.
Showing 1,081-1,092 of 1,112 items.


Others 7 0
PDF Reports from HTML Views (Html to PDF formatter)
Created by robregonm, 10 years ago.


User Interface 0 0
Various enhancements to the Yii 2 Detail View with ability to edit data and manage styles using BS3.
Created by Kartik V, 10 years ago.


User Interface 3 0
The Bootstrap 3 widget for yii 2 framework
Created by Moh Khoirul Anam, 10 years ago.


User Interface 0 0
An extended bootstrap Nav widget for Yii 2 with submenu drilldown.
Created by Kartik V, 10 years ago.


User Interface 0 0
An extended bootstrap dropdown widget for Yii 2 with submenu drilldown.
Created by Kartik V, 10 years ago.


Others 3 0
Yii 2 Practical-B Application Template
Created by Kartik V, 10 years ago.


Others 19 0
Yii 2 Practical-A Application Template
Created by Kartik V, 10 years ago.


User Interface 0 0
A form enhancement widget for Yii framework 2.0 allowing in-field label support.
Created by Kartik V, 10 years ago.


Others 0 0
Create OpenGraph meta tags and Schema.org markdown for images 'on-the-fly' in Yii2
Created by sergeD, 10 years ago.


Database 0 287
Yii2 array field behavior, for simple storage array in you model
Created by Petr.Grishin, 10 years ago.


Mail 1 0
This extension adds integration of PHPMailer to Yii 2 framework
Created by sergeD, 10 years ago.


User Interface 0 0
A context menu for Yii Framework 2.0 styled for Bootstrap 3.
Created by Kartik V, 10 years ago.