
The Yii community has developed a great amount of extensions that provide a lot of useful functionality.

  • The extensions you find here are user contributed extensions.
  • There is also a set of extensions maintained by the Yii team, we call these official extensions.
Showing 313-324 of 1,110 items.


User Interface 0 3180
The QuaggaJS for Yii2 EAN13 extension for the Yii framework
Created by Jefferson Carvalho, 5 years ago.


Date and Time 0 658
Widget to handle dates
Created by Sjaakp, 5 years ago, updated 2 months ago.


Database 0 54976
Yii2 ActiveRecord supporting MySQL spatial data
Created by Sjaakp, 5 years ago, updated 2 months ago.


User Interface 0 434019
Yii2 CKEditor
Created by Mihail, 5 years ago.


File System 0 552122
Yii2 ElFinder
Created by Mihail, 5 years ago.


User Interface 0 1183
Ability to generate widgets with interface similar to controller with basic CRUD actions for specific model
Created by ianikanov, 5 years ago.


User Interface 0 275
Advanced Yii2 blog module, posts, categories, tags, comments, books, SEO, social plugins, Slider Revolution e.t.c.
Created by Diazoxide, 5 years ago.


User Interface 0 11404
PACE (Progress Automatically Certain to Entertain) - Automatic page load progress bar for Yii PHP Framework
Created by Matheus Morais, 5 years ago.


Validation 0 2528
yii2-widget address-form
Created by t6nnp6nn, 5 years ago.


Mail 0 822
A Yii2 module to do on-screen bulk validation of e-mails
Created by t6nnp6nn, 5 years ago.


Logging 0 406
action-log module for yii2
Created by t6nnp6nn, 5 years ago.


Logging 0 37219
A Yii 2 log target for AWS Cloudwatch Logs
Created by codemonauts, 5 years ago.