Larry Ullman posted the final revision of his Yii Book 2nd Edition about Yii2.
Larry Ullman posted the final revision of his Yii Book 2nd Edition about Yii2.
Yii 2 Application Development Cookbook - Third Edition was just released by PACKT publishing.
Second edition of the Yii Application Development Cookbook by Alexander Makarov will be available in a few weeks. In the new version many recipes were updated and rewritten to reflect latest Yii and PHP world changes and improve overall experience. Additionally all errata from the first edition was fixed.
We just have two new Yii books published: "Web Application Development with Yii and PHP", and "The Yii Book".
PACKT publishing released the second book about Yii authored by core team member Alexander Makarov (samdark). This book is a recipe book about Yii. It contains 13 independent chapters full of material that will show you how to use Yii efficiently.
PACKT publishing announced the second book about Yii authored by core team member Alexander Makarov (samdark). This book is of cookbook type featuring a lot of recipes that will allow you to learn more things not mentioned in the guide as well as to understand framework better.
We are very pleased to announce that the first Yii book is published today! The book is titled Agile Web Application Development with Yii1.1 and PHP5. Thanks to Jeffrey Winesett for his hard work in turning this into reality. We believe this book will help people to master Yii more quickly and systematically.