I have used a colorbox extension to display a grid which renders through a separate view. Following is a link code to open colorbox popup:
<?php echo CHtml::link("Log link", array("forecast/log", "id"=>"51"), array("class"=>"smallButton colorBox")); ?>
Following is the code how I bind the colorbox with link:
//Create an instance of ColorBox
$colorbox = $this->widget('application.extensions.colorpowered.JColorBox');
//Call addInstance (chainable) from the widget generated.
$colorbox->addInstance('.colorBox', array('maxHeight'=>'80%', 'maxWidth'=>'90%'));
Action "forecast/log" partially renders a view which contains a grid widget. Following is the log view code
$this->pageHeading = 'Log';
<div id="page_grid_unit">
$gridView = $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'cssFile' => Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/css/grid/gridView.css',
'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width:99%;'),
'header' => 'Company',
The colorbox works perfectly fine to show the grid within itself but when we sort the grid which triggers a ajax call to load it again, the page is completely post back and grid does not being refreshed within colorbox.