Class yii\mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator

Inheritanceyii\mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator » yii\validators\Validator
Available since extension's version2.0.4
Source Code

MongoIdValidator verifies if the attribute is a valid Mongo ID.

Attribute will be considered as valid, if it is an instance of \MongoId or a its string value.

Usage example:

class Customer extends yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord
    public function rules()
        return [
            ['_id', 'yii\mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator']

This validator may also serve as a filter, allowing conversion of Mongo ID value either to the plain string or to \MongoId instance. You can enable this feature via $forceFormat.

Public Properties

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Property Type Description Defined By
$forceFormat string|null Specifies the format, which validated attribute value should be converted to in case validation was successful. yii\mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator

Protected Methods

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Method Description Defined By
validateValue() yii\mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator

Property Details

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$forceFormat public property

Specifies the format, which validated attribute value should be converted to in case validation was successful. valid values are:

  • 'string' - enforce value converted to plain string.
  • 'object' - enforce value converted to \MongoId instance. If not set - no conversion will be performed, leaving attribute value intact.
public string|null $forceFormat null

Method Details

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init() public method

public void init ( )

                public function init()
    if ($this->message === null) {
        $this->message = Yii::t('yii', '{attribute} is invalid.');

validateAttribute() public method

public void validateAttribute ( $model, $attribute )

                public function validateAttribute($model, $attribute)
    $value = $model->$attribute;
    $mongoId = $this->parseMongoId($value);
    if (is_object($mongoId)) {
        if ($this->forceFormat !== null) {
            switch ($this->forceFormat) {
                case 'string' : {
                    $model->$attribute = $mongoId->__toString();
                case 'object' : {
                    $model->$attribute = $mongoId;
                default: {
                    throw new InvalidConfigException("Unrecognized format '{$this->forceFormat}'");
    } else {
        $this->addError($model, $attribute, $this->message, []);

validateValue() protected method

protected void validateValue ( $value )

                protected function validateValue($value)
    return is_object($this->parseMongoId($value)) ? null : [$this->message, []];