Class yii\elasticsearch\Connection

Inheritanceyii\elasticsearch\Connection » yii\base\Component
Available since extension's version2.0
Source Code

Elasticsearch Connection is used to connect to an Elasticsearch cluster version 0.20 or higher

Public Properties

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Property Type Description Defined By
$activeNode string The active node. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
$auth array Authentication data used to connect to the Elasticsearch node. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
$autodetectCluster boolean Whether to autodetect available cluster nodes on open() yii\elasticsearch\Connection
$connectionTimeout float Timeout to use for connecting to an Elasticsearch node. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
$curlOptions array Additional options used to configure curl session yii\elasticsearch\Connection
$dataTimeout float Timeout to use when reading the response from an Elasticsearch node. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
$defaultProtocol string Default protocol to connect to nodes yii\elasticsearch\Connection
$driverName string Name of the DB driver. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
$dslVersion integer Version of the domain-specific language to use with the server. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
$isActive boolean Whether the DB connection is established. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
$nodes array The Elasticsearch cluster nodes to connect to. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
$queryBuilder yii\elasticsearch\QueryBuilder yii\elasticsearch\Connection

Public Methods

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Method Description Defined By
__sleep() Closes the connection when this component is being serialized. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
close() Closes the currently active DB connection. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
createBulkCommand() Creates a bulk command for execution. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
createCommand() Creates a command for execution. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
delete() Performs DELETE HTTP request yii\elasticsearch\Connection
get() Performs GET HTTP request yii\elasticsearch\Connection
getClusterState() yii\elasticsearch\Connection
getDriverName() Returns the name of the DB driver for the current dsn. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
getIsActive() Returns a value indicating whether the DB connection is established. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
getNodeInfo() yii\elasticsearch\Connection
getQueryBuilder() Creates new query builder instance yii\elasticsearch\Connection
head() Performs HEAD HTTP request yii\elasticsearch\Connection
init() yii\elasticsearch\Connection
open() Establishes a DB connection. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
post() Performs POST HTTP request yii\elasticsearch\Connection
put() Performs PUT HTTP request yii\elasticsearch\Connection

Protected Methods

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Method Description Defined By
decodeErrorBody() Try to decode error information if it is valid json, return it if not. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
httpRequest() Performs HTTP request yii\elasticsearch\Connection
initConnection() Initializes the DB connection. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
populateNodes() Populates $nodes with the result of a cluster nodes request. yii\elasticsearch\Connection
selectActiveNode() Select active node randomly yii\elasticsearch\Connection


Hide inherited events

Event Type Description Defined By
EVENT_AFTER_OPEN yii\elasticsearch\Event An event that is triggered after a DB connection is established yii\elasticsearch\Connection

Property Details

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$activeNode public property

The active node. Key of one of the $nodes. Will be randomly selected on open().

public string $activeNode null
$auth public property

Authentication data used to connect to the Elasticsearch node.

Array elements:

  • username: the username for authentication.
  • password: the password for authentication.

Array either MUST contain both username and password on not contain any authentication credentials.

See also

public array $auth = []
$autodetectCluster public property

Whether to autodetect available cluster nodes on open()

$connectionTimeout public property

Timeout to use for connecting to an Elasticsearch node. This value will be used to configure the curl CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT option. If not set, no explicit timeout will be set for curl.

public float $connectionTimeout null
$curlOptions public property (available since version 2.1.4)

Additional options used to configure curl session

public array $curlOptions = []
$dataTimeout public property

Timeout to use when reading the response from an Elasticsearch node. This value will be used to configure the curl CURLOPT_TIMEOUT option. If not set, no explicit timeout will be set for curl.

public float $dataTimeout null
$defaultProtocol public property (available since version 2.0.5)

Default protocol to connect to nodes

public string $defaultProtocol 'http'
$driverName public property

Name of the DB driver.

public string $driverName null
$dslVersion public property

Version of the domain-specific language to use with the server. This must be set to the major version of the Elasticsearch server in use, e.g. 5 for Elasticsearch 5.x.x, 6 for Elasticsearch 6.x.x, and 7 for Elasticsearch 7.x.x.

public integer $dslVersion 5
$isActive public property

Whether the DB connection is established.

public boolean $isActive null
$nodes public property

The Elasticsearch cluster nodes to connect to.

This is populated with the result of a cluster nodes request when $autodetectCluster is true.

Additional special options:

  • auth: overrides $auth property. For example:
 'http_address' => 'inet[/]',
 'auth' => ['username' => 'yiiuser', 'password' => 'yiipw'], // Overrides the `auth` property of the class with specific login and password
 //'auth' => ['username' => 'yiiuser', 'password' => 'yiipw'], // Disabled auth regardless of `auth` property of the class
  • protocol: explicitly sets the protocol for the current node (useful when manually defining a HTTPS cluster)

See also

public array $nodes = [
'http_address' => 'inet[/]',
$queryBuilder public property

Method Details

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__sleep() public method

Closes the connection when this component is being serialized.

public array __sleep ( )

                public function __sleep()
    return array_keys(get_object_vars($this));

close() public method

Closes the currently active DB connection.

It does nothing if the connection is already closed.

public void close ( )

                public function close()
    if ($this->activeNode === null) {
    Yii::trace('Closing connection to Elasticsearch. Active node was: '
        . $this->nodes[$this->activeNode]['http']['publish_address'], __CLASS__);
    $this->activeNode = null;
    if ($this->_curl) {
        $this->_curl = null;

createBulkCommand() public method (available since version 2.0.5)

Creates a bulk command for execution.

public yii\elasticsearch\BulkCommand createBulkCommand ( $config = [] )
$config array

The configuration for the yii\elasticsearch\BulkCommand class

return yii\elasticsearch\BulkCommand

The DB command

                public function createBulkCommand($config = [])
    $config['db'] = $this;
    $command = new BulkCommand($config);
    return $command;

createCommand() public method

Creates a command for execution.

public yii\elasticsearch\Command createCommand ( $config = [] )
$config array

The configuration for the Command class

return yii\elasticsearch\Command

The DB command

                public function createCommand($config = [])
    $config['db'] = $this;
    $command = new Command($config);
    return $command;

decodeErrorBody() protected method

Try to decode error information if it is valid json, return it if not.

protected mixed decodeErrorBody ( $body )

                protected function decodeErrorBody($body)
    try {
        $decoded = Json::decode($body);
        if (isset($decoded['error']) && !is_array($decoded['error'])) {
            $decoded['error'] = preg_replace('/\b\w+?Exception\[/', "<span style=\"color: red;\">\\0</span>\n               ", $decoded['error']);
        return $decoded;
    } catch(InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        return $body;

delete() public method

Performs DELETE HTTP request

public mixed delete ( $url, $options = [], $body null, $raw false )
$url string|array


$options array

URL options

$body string

Request body

$raw boolean

If response body contains JSON and should be decoded

return mixed


throws yii\elasticsearch\Exception
throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException

                public function delete($url, $options = [], $body = null, $raw = false)
    return $this->httpRequest('DELETE', $this->createUrl($url, $options), $body, $raw);

get() public method

Performs GET HTTP request

public mixed get ( $url, $options = [], $body null, $raw false )
$url string|array


$options array

URL options

$body string

Request body

$raw boolean

If response body contains JSON and should be decoded

return mixed


throws yii\elasticsearch\Exception
throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException

                public function get($url, $options = [], $body = null, $raw = false)
    return $this->httpRequest('GET', $this->createUrl($url, $options), $body, $raw);

getClusterState() public method

public void getClusterState ( )

                public function getClusterState()
    return $this->get(['_cluster', 'state']);

getDriverName() public method

Returns the name of the DB driver for the current dsn.

public string getDriverName ( )
return string

Name of the DB driver

                public function getDriverName()
    return 'elasticsearch';

getIsActive() public method

Returns a value indicating whether the DB connection is established.

public boolean getIsActive ( )
return boolean

Whether the DB connection is established

                public function getIsActive()
    return $this->activeNode !== null;

getNodeInfo() public method

public void getNodeInfo ( )

                public function getNodeInfo()
    return $this->get([]);

getQueryBuilder() public method

Creates new query builder instance

public yii\elasticsearch\QueryBuilder getQueryBuilder ( )

                public function getQueryBuilder()
    return new QueryBuilder($this);

head() public method

Performs HEAD HTTP request

public mixed head ( $url, $options = [], $body null )
$url string|array


$options array

URL options

$body string

Request body

return mixed


throws yii\elasticsearch\Exception
throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException

                public function head($url, $options = [], $body = null)
    return $this->httpRequest('HEAD', $this->createUrl($url, $options), $body);

httpRequest() protected method

Performs HTTP request

protected mixed httpRequest ( $method, $url, $requestBody null, $raw false )
$method string

Method name

$url string


$requestBody string

Request body

$raw boolean

If response body contains JSON and should be decoded

return mixed

If request failed

throws yii\elasticsearch\Exception

if request failed

throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException

                protected function httpRequest($method, $url, $requestBody = null, $raw = false)
    $method = strtoupper($method);
    // response body and headers
    $headers = [];
    $headersFinished = false;
    $body = '';
    $options = [
        CURLOPT_USERAGENT      => 'Yii Framework ' . Yii::getVersion() . ' ' . __CLASS__,
        CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
        CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => [
            'Content-Type: application/json',
        CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION  => function ($curl, $data) use (&$body) {
            $body .= $data;
            return mb_strlen($data, '8bit');
        CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION => function ($curl, $data) use (&$headers, &$headersFinished) {
            if ($data === '') {
                $headersFinished = true;
            } elseif ($headersFinished) {
                $headersFinished = false;
            if (!$headersFinished && ($pos = strpos($data, ':')) !== false) {
                $headers[strtolower(substr($data, 0, $pos))] = trim(substr($data, $pos + 1));
            return mb_strlen($data, '8bit');
        CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST  => $method,
        CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE   => false,
    foreach ($this->curlOptions as $key => $value) {
        $options[$key] = $value;
    if (!empty($this->auth) || isset($this->nodes[$this->activeNode]['auth']) && $this->nodes[$this->activeNode]['auth'] !== false) {
        $auth = isset($this->nodes[$this->activeNode]['auth']) ? $this->nodes[$this->activeNode]['auth'] : $this->auth;
        if (empty($auth['username'])) {
            throw new InvalidConfigException('Username is required to use authentication');
        if (empty($auth['password'])) {
            throw new InvalidConfigException('Password is required to use authentication');
        $options[CURLOPT_USERPWD] = $auth['username'] . ':' . $auth['password'];
    if ($this->connectionTimeout !== null) {
        $options[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT] = $this->connectionTimeout;
    if ($this->dataTimeout !== null) {
        $options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = $this->dataTimeout;
    if ($requestBody !== null) {
        $options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $requestBody;
    if ($method == 'HEAD') {
        $options[CURLOPT_NOBODY] = true;
    } else {
        $options[CURLOPT_NOBODY] = false;
    if (is_array($url)) {
        list($protocol, $host, $q) = $url;
        if (strncmp($host, 'inet[', 5) == 0) {
            $host = substr($host, 5, -1);
            if (($pos = strpos($host, '/')) !== false) {
                $host = substr($host, $pos + 1);
        $profile = "$method $q#$requestBody";
        $url = "$protocol://$host/$q";
    } else {
        $profile = false;
    Yii::trace("Sending request to Elasticsearch node: $method $url\n$requestBody", __METHOD__);
    if ($profile !== false) {
        Yii::beginProfile($profile, __METHOD__);
    curl_setopt($this->_curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt_array($this->_curl, $options);
    if (curl_exec($this->_curl) === false) {
        throw new Exception('Elasticsearch request failed: ' . curl_errno($this->_curl) . ' - ' . curl_error($this->_curl), [
            'requestMethod' => $method,
            'requestUrl' => $url,
            'requestBody' => $requestBody,
            'responseHeaders' => $headers,
            'responseBody' => $this->decodeErrorBody($body),
    $responseCode = curl_getinfo($this->_curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    if ($profile !== false) {
        Yii::endProfile($profile, __METHOD__);
    if ($responseCode >= 200 && $responseCode < 300) {
        if ($method === 'HEAD') {
            return true;
        } else {
            if (isset($headers['content-length']) && ($len = mb_strlen($body, '8bit')) < $headers['content-length']) {
                throw new Exception("Incomplete data received from Elasticsearch: $len < {$headers['content-length']}", [
                    'requestMethod' => $method,
                    'requestUrl' => $url,
                    'requestBody' => $requestBody,
                    'responseCode' => $responseCode,
                    'responseHeaders' => $headers,
                    'responseBody' => $body,
            if (isset($headers['content-type'])) {
                if (!strncmp($headers['content-type'], 'application/json', 16)) {
                    return $raw ? $body : Json::decode($body);
                if (!strncmp($headers['content-type'], 'text/plain', 10)) {
                    return $raw ? $body : array_filter(explode("\n", $body));
            throw new Exception('Unsupported data received from Elasticsearch: ' . $headers['content-type'], [
                'requestMethod' => $method,
                'requestUrl' => $url,
                'requestBody' => $requestBody,
                'responseCode' => $responseCode,
                'responseHeaders' => $headers,
                'responseBody' => $this->decodeErrorBody($body),
    } elseif ($responseCode == 404) {
        return false;
    } else {
        throw new Exception("Elasticsearch request failed with code $responseCode. Response body:\n{$body}", [
            'requestMethod' => $method,
            'requestUrl' => $url,
            'requestBody' => $requestBody,
            'responseCode' => $responseCode,
            'responseHeaders' => $headers,
            'responseBody' => $this->decodeErrorBody($body),

init() public method

public void init ( )

                public function init()
    foreach ($this->nodes as &$node) {
        if (!isset($node['http_address'])) {
            throw new InvalidConfigException('Elasticsearch node needs at least a http_address configured.');
        if (!isset($node['protocol'])) {
            $node['protocol'] = $this->defaultProtocol;
        if (!in_array($node['protocol'], ['http', 'https'])) {
            throw new InvalidConfigException('Valid node protocol settings are "http" and "https".');

initConnection() protected method

Initializes the DB connection.

This method is invoked right after the DB connection is established. The default implementation triggers an EVENT_AFTER_OPEN event.

protected void initConnection ( )

                protected function initConnection()

open() public method

Establishes a DB connection.

It does nothing if a DB connection has already been established.

public void open ( )
throws yii\elasticsearch\Exception

if connection fails

                public function open()
    if ($this->activeNode !== null) {
    if (empty($this->nodes)) {
        throw new InvalidConfigException('Elasticsearch needs at least one node to operate.');
    $this->_curl = curl_init();
    if ($this->autodetectCluster) {
    Yii::trace('Opening connection to Elasticsearch. Nodes in cluster: ' . count($this->nodes)
        . ', active node: ' . $this->nodes[$this->activeNode]['http_address'], __CLASS__);

populateNodes() protected method (available since version 2.0.4)

Populates $nodes with the result of a cluster nodes request.

protected void populateNodes ( )
throws yii\elasticsearch\Exception

if no active node(s) found

                protected function populateNodes()
    $node = reset($this->nodes);
    $host = $node['http_address'];
    $protocol = isset($node['protocol']) ? $node['protocol'] : $this->defaultProtocol;
    if (strncmp($host, 'inet[/', 6) === 0) {
        $host = substr($host, 6, -1);
    $response = $this->httpRequest('GET', "$protocol://$host/_nodes/_all/http");
    if (!empty($response['nodes'])) {
        $nodes = $response['nodes'];
    } else {
        $nodes = [];
    foreach ($nodes as $key => &$node) {
        // Make sure that nodes have an 'http_address' property, which is not the case if you're using AWS
        // Elasticsearch service (at least as of Oct., 2015). - TO BE VERIFIED
        // Temporary workaround - simply ignore all invalid nodes
        if (!isset($node['http']['publish_address'])) {
        $node['http_address'] = $node['http']['publish_address'];
        // Protocol is not a standard ES node property, so we add it manually
        $node['protocol'] = $this->defaultProtocol;
    if (!empty($nodes)) {
        $this->nodes = array_values($nodes);
    } else {
        throw new Exception('Cluster autodetection did not find any active node. Make sure a GET /_nodes reguest on the hosts defined in the config returns the "http_address" field for each node.');

post() public method

Performs POST HTTP request

public mixed post ( $url, $options = [], $body null, $raw false )
$url string|array


$options array

URL options

$body string

Request body

$raw boolean

If response body contains JSON and should be decoded

return mixed


throws yii\elasticsearch\Exception
throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException

                public function post($url, $options = [], $body = null, $raw = false)
    return $this->httpRequest('POST', $this->createUrl($url, $options), $body, $raw);

put() public method

Performs PUT HTTP request

public mixed put ( $url, $options = [], $body null, $raw false )
$url string|array


$options array

URL options

$body string

Request body

$raw boolean

If response body contains JSON and should be decoded

return mixed


throws yii\elasticsearch\Exception
throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException

                public function put($url, $options = [], $body = null, $raw = false)
    return $this->httpRequest('PUT', $this->createUrl($url, $options), $body, $raw);

selectActiveNode() protected method

Select active node randomly

protected void selectActiveNode ( )

                protected function selectActiveNode()
    $keys = array_keys($this->nodes);
    $this->activeNode = $keys[random_int(0, count($keys) - 1)];


Event Details

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EVENT_AFTER_OPEN event of type yii\elasticsearch\Event

An event that is triggered after a DB connection is established